Bagged Products
12% Cow & Calf Pellets
16% Calf Grower (Texturized)
19% Dairyman’s Choice Calf Starter (Texturized)
20% Range Cubes
24% Cow Block
50% Cattle Concentrate Meal
Hi Mag Grazing Mineral
Livestock Mineral
Rabon Block
Safeguard Block

36% Sinking Catfish Pellets
32% Top Floater Fish Food
Cracked Corn
White Millet
Whole Corn
Black Oil Sunflowers
Ear Corn (Seasonal)
Feed Wheat
Trapper Peas
Feed Oats
Feed Soybeans

10% Premium 10 (All Grain)
10% Premium 10 Low Molasses (All Grain)
10% Sweet Feed (Texturized)
10% OMC Sweet Pellets
10/10 Horse Feed (Texturized)
11% Sweet Feed (Texturized)
12% Horse Pellets
12% Pleasure Horse with Alfalfa Pellets
12% Saddle Horse Complete Pellets
12% Senior Horse Complete Pellets
12% Sweet 12 (Texturized)
12% Special 12/7 Horse (Texturized)
14% All Stock Pellets
14% Super Pro (Texturized)
Horse Supplements & Grains

41% Cottonseed Meal
48% Soybean Meal
60% Poultry Meal
Soybean Hulls
Wheat Midds
Fish Meal
Kaolin Clay
Calcium Carbonate
Dicalcium Phosphate
Dry Molasses
Sodium Bicarbonate
Copper Sulfate
Diatomaceous Earth
Wheat Bran
Combine Run Oats
Beet Pulp
Alfalfa Cubes
Alfalfa Pellets
Alfalfa Meal
Flaxseed, Whole
5 Gal Liquid Molasses
5 Gal Soybean Oil

17% Chick Starter Crumbles
17% Chick Starter Crumbles Medicated
18% Emu Pellets
20% Lay Pellets
16% Lay Pellets
16% Lay Crumbles
20% Waterfowl Pellets
17% Poultry Booster
20% Rooster Mix
24% Gamebird Crumbles
28% Gamebird Crumbles Medicated
28% Gamebird Pellets
2 Way Golden Grain Hen Scratch
3 Way Scratch
5 Way Scratch
Golden Pigeon Grain
Wild Bird Feed
Calcium Shells
Pigeon Grit
Red Poultry Grit

18% Big Rack Deer Pellets
16% Rabbit Pellets with Alfalfa
16/4 Extruded Rodent Cubes
Sheep & Goat
16% Meat Goat Pellets (Medicated)
16% Sheep & Goat Pellets
16% Goat (Texturized)
18% Sow & Pig Pellets
14% Hog Pellets
17% Pig Starter/Grower Pellets
38% Hi-Fat Sow & Pig Concentrate Meal
40% Hog Concentrate Pellets
40% Hog Concentrate Crumbles
14% Porkmaker Meal
14% Pot Belly Pig Pellets
12% Hog Ration Pellets
Hog Finisher Premix